Nur Ein Freitag Film

Nur ein Freitag


After a harrowing escape from the front line, 15-year-old Hans Jokisch and his family return to their village in Silesia. But their beloved home is occupied - by the Schöppe family. They have no choice but to share the house from now on. Over time, the Jokisch house also becomes a home for the Schöppe family and Hans befriends the young Bruno Schöppe. But when Germany surrenders in 1945 and Silesia now belongs to Poland, both families suddenly are forced to flee the house and leave all their possessions behind. But Hans and Bruno refuse to give up Hans' beloved bicycle and decide to hide it. But the plan turns out to be their undoing as dangers lurk along the way, jeopardising not only their families' planned escape but also both their lives. Will Hans and Bruno make it to safety?

Director: Jacqueline May

Format: Short Film / 26 min. / Drama, Arthouse

Awards/Screenings: Berlin Short International Film Festival, Brussels Capital Film Festival, Frankfurt Film Festival, Mannheim Arts and Film Festival, >>

Audio Production: Sound Design, Dialogue Editing